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#320943 11 Months Later

Posted by Gymnasiast on 13 October 2022 - 01:04 PM

(scroll down for an update!)


Hi everyone,


Almost a year has passed since I took over and I wanted to give a brief overview about what happened since then, and what I plan to do in the future.


After moving the sites to my server, I started off by fixing rct2.com, which got broken over the years. I also restored several pages that were cut in the past for being outdated - as the whole rct2.com is a time capsule of the early-to-mid-2000s, cutting old content doesn’t make much sense. I also managed to get into contact with MidWestBoyInLA, the owner of RCT*Mart and started restoring that site too (the forums are still to be done, but the self-checkout works). I also added several others, mostly from the Internet Archive (which unfortunately did not always archive everything). All of these sites are accessible via HTTPS and have their encoding issues fixed, so they should work as well as they did in their heyday. You can visit the landing page for the archive at https://archive.rctspace.com/ . As always, if you have a backup of any relevant site, content, or something like that, please get in touch.


That leaves the forums. These run on IPBoard 3.4, which is outdated, not safe, and require the end-of-life PHP 5.6. The fact that it’s outdated is quite easy to notice if you ever tried registering in the recent past - it tries to use ReCaptcha v1, which has been unavailable for a few years. Uploading files to the Ride Exchange has also been broken for quite some time. There are basically two possible paths to update: I can buy a licence for a newer version of IPBoard and try to upgrade, or I can switch to other forum software. The latter is more involved, but avoids the large fees that come with licensing IPBoard. I also find IPBoard quite finicky to work with, and since I have to maintain it...


Anyway, whatever path I choose, it’s going to take quite some time. I might even write separate web applications that make the content that is currently available in the Downloads and Ride Exchange section available outside of the forum software. That would also allow me to add content from other archived sites (like ToonTowner, Amazing Earl), making it easy to download everything instead of having to hunt around several sites. There is also the possibility of cooperation with OpenRCT2 (for which I am a team member), as having a “Store” with rides, scenery, track designs etcetera there is a long-fostered wish.


Finally I should stress that, for the users, this forum will remain as much the same as possible, even if the code behind it all is massively changed. All old posts and topic will continue to work, you will be able to log in, it will look (mostly) the same. But I hope to end up with a much more secure codebase that also allows for extra features and functionality, and which fixes the stuff that is currently broken. We might never be as active again as we were in the 2000s, but I’m not willing to let it rot away.


To another 20 years of RCTSpace!



  • rcthelp, Sambo, That Guy and 2 others like this

#320924 (cancelled!) Closing Time

Posted by Doctor J on 30 September 2021 - 01:40 PM

Farewell everyone.

I wanted to express a huge thanks to Sambo for this site and all the fond memories of RCT and its community. It was a blessing to be part of the fun of the game and its ardent followers. I will miss the old days but I will keep the memories. :thumbs:

  • rcthelp, Sambo and Woodpecker like this

#320918 New Coaster Games Are Like London Buses...

Posted by Todd Lee on 06 October 2020 - 08:42 PM

I purchased Planet Coaster a while back, and have played a bit.  I really like it, and only wish i had the time and drive to play it like i did RCT.  PC is everything that i wanted from RCT, it really is an awesome game!

  • Sambo, Woodpecker and VeggieT like this

#320944 R.i.p. Steve Franks

Posted by Woodpecker on 02 January 2023 - 09:03 PM

I am very saddened to announce that Steve Franks died unexpectedly, aged 72 on December the 16th, 2022.


Steve contributed so much to the RCT community, particularly through his real world track packs, and was an inspiration to many.  I remember emailing him nervously back in 2008 about some missing track packs, which he kindly provided.  Little did I know the following year we would start collaborating on the Ocean and Lick Pier workbench for RCT2.  That is still a work in progress, 13 years later.  I learned a lot from his kind comments and tweaks to my recreation of Giant Dipper, as well as for his unreleased pack Cyclone @ Wellington, which I will complete for him in due course.  Steve's enthusiasm for art deco architecture, coupled with his keen eye, undoubtedly contributed to his excellent stations and other park buildings, many of which are just gorgeous to look at.


Steve was also a keen amateur astronomer with a strong interest in music, having worked as a piano technician and tuner for most of his life, and had a big side interest in steam trains, particularly those in the United Kingdom.  An always gracious man, I will miss him very much.


Rest in peace, Steve.



  • Verbisback and Gymnasiast like this

#320930 News Of Our Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Posted by Gymnasiast on 08 December 2021 - 10:05 AM

Thank you, rcthelp!


I am Gymnasiast, the new owner. You might know me from the OpenRCT2 project. I have been a fan of RCT from the moment I got the first installment in 2000 and never stopped playing it.


These forums have a lot of history behind it, as well as a lot of people I looked up to back in the 2000s. When I heard that Sambo and rcthelp wanted to pull the plug, I couldn’t let that happen. Too many sites have already gone. Since I host several sites already, it wasn’t too big a problem to take over the hosting. (Moving the domain, OTOH, was a royal PITA, but we eventually succeeded.)


Contrary to what I said earlier, (and what rcthelp quoted in his post), I have made the forums read-write. Even though the forums are not very active, I wanted to retain that possibility.

I intend to make the content on these forums easier to access in the future. Right now, you have to log in to download, but registrations have been broken for years.


I hope we can all enjoy RCTspace for some time to come. I also hope I can save or restore more sites that have been disappeared. If you happen to have owned one (or have a very good backup), please don't hesitate to get in touch.

  • rcthelp and Sambo like this

#320923 (cancelled!) Closing Time

Posted by Woodpecker on 28 September 2021 - 11:49 AM

I am very sad to see this forum go, although I do, of course, understand.


RCT Space was one of the first forums I belonged to, with my membership starting on the 8th of April 2005.  I had missed the peak of the curve, with the decline of the forums and RCT's popularity in general having started shortly before, but there was still plenty of activity then.  Roller Coaster Tycoon has been the most influential game I've ever played and it was great to be part of a community which shared my interest.  It was also here where I found Steve Franks and his excellent track packs.  In 2009 I had the great privilege of testing the new ride exchange, whilst working in an actual theme park as a ride attendant and then later that year Steve Franks invited me to help with his Ocean Park bench.  For those who knew Steve, he is still around and can be reached at the email address in his packs which are also hosted over on the following webpages:






I miss the old days of RCT and the early days of the Internet.  In some respects it feels like there was so much more of a community spirit than there is now and this forum was one of the best examples back then.  I regret not making more of an effort to get to know other people here personally.


My sincere thanks to Sambo, rcthelp and everyone else who made this forum what it was over the past 20 years.  


If anyone would like stay in touch after this forum closes, I can be found over on the OpenRCT forum and I also run the Facebook group Defunct Wooden Roller Coaster Recreations.  RCT tracks are more than welcome there.



Goodbye and thank you, RCT Space.  I will miss you.



Oh, one last thing: is anything going to remain of this site?  RCT Station's knowledgebase has been deleted recently so I was wondering if any of the articles here will be lost as well.

  • rcthelp and Sambo like this

#320914 We've Moved (Again)

Posted by rcthelp on 08 July 2019 - 11:07 AM

rctspace has embraced the 21st century, and gone into the public cloud.

We'll be tuning over the next few weeks to minimize our running costs whilst delivering something that's responsive for visitors.

We'll also be getting rid of that annoying "not secure" message that people get when they visit with modern browsers.

We might also upgrade the board software, and switch registrations back on....

  • Sambo and Woodpecker like this

#320870 Planet Coaster Beta Incoming...

Posted by rcthelp on 01 November 2016 - 02:13 PM

I think it looks absolutely awesome. It is going to be available on STEAM in mid-November.


  • Sambo and Gavert like this

#319890 How To Change Initial Guest Happiness

Posted by Crappage on 16 May 2013 - 12:33 AM

Do you know who I can ask that might know that information?
  • Sambo and like this

#306224 Valentine Contest 2008

Posted by Emergo on 09 March 2008 - 11:38 PM

Posted Image

. :wub:

We had 4 entries, and all of them made me wish it still was Valentine's day.......(so, well done all of you....and big thanks for sending in!!!).
But there is a winner and a runner up...

The winner is:
Posted Image

Download: The Valley of Love by FK+Coastermind.

And our first Runner Up is:
Posted Image

Download:Happy Valentines Day by Coastercrazy.

Congrats FK and coastercrazy!

(And I really hope that Luketh and Super Coaster will post their parks in the download zone also...)

  • ruin2it3 and Gavert like this

#320949 11 Months Later

Posted by Sambo on 25 April 2023 - 01:43 AM

I am extremely happy at the progress and the long term vision. The RCTspace universe in in good hands. Thank you.

  • Gymnasiast likes this

#320925 (cancelled!) Closing Time

Posted by rcthelp on 14 October 2021 - 02:40 PM

Here we are on 14th October and still not closed down.


I will be making a backup of all the site content before it closes.


I may put part of the site content (as downloadable files) on Github.

Keep your eyes on https://github.com/DRY411S

  • Sambo likes this

#320876 Rct1 And Rct2 On Win7?

Posted by rcthelp on 24 January 2017 - 10:56 PM

I have the GOG versions. They work. I bought them for peanuts after I found it difficult to get my old RCT2 working.

  • SilverCloud likes this

#320807 Rollercoaster Tycoon World Release Date Confirmed!

Posted by SHUNHU on 03 October 2015 - 11:13 PM

This is awesome!

There will be many new members come if we have a RCTW sub-forum.

  • VeggieT likes this

#320753 Creating A Scenery Group

Posted by riven3d on 30 June 2015 - 01:31 AM

if you have the dax file that is created you can add or remove any dat file you have in the theme group dat. but just make sure if you edit a dat file you intend to distribute, ie upload your saved game anywhere or the dat file that you change the name of the dat file used.

  • Sambo likes this

#320657 Why Can't I Paste?

Posted by rcthelp on 19 August 2014 - 05:21 PM


  1. first make sure the editor toolbar is NOT greyed out by clicking the top left 'switch' icon.
  2. Then click the 'photo' icon on the 2nd row (it's 11th from the left)
  3. In the pop up, type in the URL of your image and then OK
  4. Sorted

  • render8 likes this

#320592 How To Download Parks/8 Cars Per Trainer?

Posted by Sambo on 07 July 2014 - 04:19 AM

Installing parks is as simple as copying them into your Saved Games folder. Open them up in the game to insure the saved scenery goes into the ObjData folder.

Copy or unpack the 8cars files to a folder in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 folder. Just Run the game, Alt-Tab out of the game and go the 8cars.exe file and double click. Choose what you want to do and Alt-Tab back to the game. You can repeat the Alt-Tab to go change more stuff with 8cars as it will still be open until you close it.
  • Sambo likes this

#320584 'exception Raised Access Violation'

Posted by beginner2 on 02 July 2014 - 04:02 PM

Try looking away from that area and deleting the ride. It may simply be a visual bug. Or, close that ride, and use 8cars (found from the downloads section in the forums, linky here) to change the ride type to a hyper-twister coaster, then try deleting it. Make sure you've saved before you attempt anything. If you look back and still get that error, then that section of the park is completely bugged; if not then try to rebuild it from scratch. I'm not sure what causes that to happen, I've seen it before and it is immensely frustrating. This is how I was able to fix another park though, which had a bugged ride (that was also a giga coaster ...). Sometimes it's just when you remove the ride, if you're looking straight at the problem area it bugs out trying to delete invisible tracks.

And, as Sambo said, always always always save often. If there's one feature I'd like to add into the game, it'd be an autosave every 30 mins or so. I've got my own bugged out park that crashes if I Alt-tab out of the game, either to use a trainer to modify or check an email or whatever. It just always crashes the game.
  • Twinkie likes this

#320537 How To Add A Video From Youtube

Posted by Sambo on 07 May 2014 - 04:56 PM

In the reply box screen, in the row of icons beginning with Bold, Italic, Underline, et.al. - the last icon in that row that looks like three overlapping photos is the Insert Media button. Click on it and paste the URL for your YouTube video - then click on "Insert Media."

When you Post your reply - the video shows up.
  • Gavert likes this

#265858 Nutz 'n Boltz January/February 2006 Results

Posted by Walter Krum on 28 February 2006 - 09:15 PM

Greetings and salutations!

I would like to let everyone know that our crack research crew has studied extensively the entry made in our Nutz 'n Boltz January 2006 Project - Hotel Design, and I am pleased to announce that we are awarding our RCT Seal of Approval Award...

Posted Image

to the entry from RCT Spanky with his Royal Crown Theme Hotel

Posted Image

This grand edifice includes a soaring lobby area, a delightful pool, the added bonus of a mini golf course for additional park income and is beautifully landscaped.

You will find screenshots and highlights of this wonderful hotel RIGHT HERE, and the Hotel bench can be DOWNLOADED HERE. Thanks to Mr Sambo for his work on our new Research Reports area.

I though I'd share some of the comments made by some of our staff in their review of this project...

Posted ImageDerwood Winger from Guest Services Division

"Ohhhh, I LOVE the lobby light fixtures! Clever use of post-modern elements in a traditional setting! Ohhhh! And Roman columns combined with lot's of that green stuff...ah...oh yeah, plants...very nice. Why is that old woman oggling the naked cherub fountain?

Posted ImageLonnie Swineherder of Animal Research Division

"Dudes! This rocks! Look at that babe-alicious pool area! Man, time to grab the Speedos and do my magic! **snort** The babes love seeing me in my 'tighty whitey' trunks! The Swineherdermeister is on the prowl...grrrrrrr!"

Posted ImageMilton Fitzpatrick from Employee Training.

"Excellent layout! I'm sure the client will find that any illegal immigrant they hire will be able to perform their duties with ease...and no overtime!"

Posted Image Mort Kimble of Flat Ride and our Coaster Research Division

Mini-Golf...nothing can be more exciting that that.

Posted Image"Bull" Swenson from our Park Security Division

Seal the perimeter! This is a Code Red, I repeat Code Red! Mint missing from pillow in Room 237! Move it people!

Posted ImageMargarat "Formerly Mrs. George" Johnson from our Animal Testing Facility

"Goodness Gracious...will you look at the mini-frig, every one just stocked full with those cute little bottles. Each one just holds enough to tide me over on the walk from my room to the hotel lounge...how thoughful! "

Posted ImagePookiekins the Wonder Dawg also from our Animal Testing Facility

"Yo! I throughly check out this joint. In fact I marked every place I looked at. Thank goodness I had drank that Big Gulp before getting there...that's a big hotel! I ended up getting a leg cramp from all the hoistin' I was doing. But this place has gotta lotta bling to it!"

I'm sure you'll enjoy the Royal Crown Theme Hotel, and I hope you'll check out this month's urgent test project...remember - with your help we're making Bigger and Better RCT Parks!

Walter Krum
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