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  • GymnasiastPhoto
    11 Months Later

    Gymnasiast - Oct 25 2023 06:26 PM

    Okay, it’s time for a small update. In the first post I said I wanted to make the content...

  • JV7Photo
    11 Months Later

    JV7 - Jul 19 2023 11:24 PM

    I agree with Sambo! Thank you.

  • JV7Photo
    Farewell Mama Bear

    JV7 - Jul 19 2023 11:22 PM

    Sorry to read this. I loved her site. God bless🙏

  • VerbisbackPhoto
    Favorite Park

    Verbisback - Jun 25 2023 01:30 PM

    What's your favorite park in this site?

  • SamboPhoto
    R.i.p. Steve Franks

    Sambo - Apr 25 2023 01:53 AM

    I am at a loss. The senior brain trust of the RCT fandom is shrinking and some of our best and br...

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11 Months Later

13 Oct 2022

Posted By Gymnasiast in Announcements

(scroll down for an update!)


Hi everyone,


Almost a year has passed since I took over and I wanted to give a brief overview about what happened since then, and what I plan to do in the future.


After moving the sites to my server, I started off by fixing rct2.com, which got broken over the years. I also restored several pages that were cut in the past for being outdated - as the whole rct2.com is a time capsule of the early-to-mid-2000s, cutting old content doesn’t make much sense. I also managed to get into contact with MidWestBoyInLA, the owner of RCT*Mart and started restoring that site too (the forums are still to be done, but the self-checkout works). I also added several others, mostly from the Internet Archive (which unfortunately did not always archive everything). All of these sites are accessible via HTTPS and have their encoding issues fixed, so they should work as well as they did in their heyday. You can visit the landing page for the archive at https://archive.rctspace.com/ . As always, if you have a backup of any relevant site, content, or something like that, please get in touch.


That leaves the forums. These run on IPBoard 3.4, which is outdated, not safe, and require the end-of-life PHP 5.6. The fact that it’s outdated is quite easy to notice if you ever tried registering in the recent past - it tries to use ReCaptcha v1, which has been unavailable for a few years. Uploading files to the Ride Exchange has also been broken for quite some time. There are basically two possible paths to update: I can buy a licence for a newer version of IPBoard and try to upgrade, or I can switch to other forum software. The latter is more involved, but avoids the large fees that come with licensing IPBoard. I also find IPBoard quite finicky to work with, and since I have to maintain it...


Anyway, whatever path I choose, it’s going to take quite some time. I might even write separate web applications that make the content that is currently available in the Downloads and Ride Exchange section available outside of the forum software. That would also allow me to add content from other archived sites (like ToonTowner, Amazing Earl), making it easy to download everything instead of having to hunt around several sites. There is also the possibility of cooperation with OpenRCT2 (for which I am a team member), as having a “Store” with rides, scenery, track designs etcetera there is a long-fostered wish.


Finally I should stress that, for the users, this forum will remain as much the same as possible, even if the code behind it all is massively changed. All old posts and topic will continue to work, you will be able to log in, it will look (mostly) the same. But I hope to end up with a much more secure codebase that also allows for extra features and functionality, and which fixes the stuff that is currently broken. We might never be as active again as we were in the 2000s, but I’m not willing to let it rot away.


To another 20 years of RCTSpace!



  16727 Views · 3 Replies ( Last reply by Gymnasiast )


Farewell Mama Bear

04 Mar 2019

Posted By Sambo in Announcements



It is with much sadness we announce the passing of one of our Senior Staff Members. Marjan de Goede - our own Mama Bear - lost her struggle with cancer. One year ago, another member of the community, OSUDenny, passed, and sadly this year we lose another. Mama Bear will be remembered for her parkmaking skills, solo and collaborations, as well as her assistance with questions and issues the forum members have had over these many years. Her work will live on in the downloads section where she left us with her best works.

Farewell Marjan, you will be missed...


  5035 Views · 4 Replies ( Last reply by JV7 )


Favorite Park

25 Jun 2023

Posted By Verbisback in RCT2 Discussion

What's your favorite park in this site?

  2002 Views · 0 Replies


R.i.p. Steve Franks

02 Jan 2023

Posted By Woodpecker in Steve Franks Track Packs

I am very saddened to announce that Steve Franks died unexpectedly, aged 72 on December the 16th, 2022.


Steve contributed so much to the RCT community, particularly through his real world track packs, and was an inspiration to many.  I remember emailing him nervously back in 2008 about some missing track packs, which he kindly provided.  Little did I know the following year we would start collaborating on the Ocean and Lick Pier workbench for RCT2.  That is still a work in progress, 13 years later.  I learned a lot from his kind comments and tweaks to my recreation of Giant Dipper, as well as for his unreleased pack Cyclone @ Wellington, which I will complete for him in due course.  Steve's enthusiasm for art deco architecture, coupled with his keen eye, undoubtedly contributed to his excellent stations and other park buildings, many of which are just gorgeous to look at.


Steve was also a keen amateur astronomer with a strong interest in music, having worked as a piano technician and tuner for most of his life, and had a big side interest in steam trains, particularly those in the United Kingdom.  An always gracious man, I will miss him very much.


Rest in peace, Steve.



  4419 Views · 2 Replies ( Last reply by Sambo )

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