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R.i.p. Steve Franks

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#1 Woodpecker


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 09:03 PM

I am very saddened to announce that Steve Franks died unexpectedly, aged 72 on December the 16th, 2022.


Steve contributed so much to the RCT community, particularly through his real world track packs, and was an inspiration to many.  I remember emailing him nervously back in 2008 about some missing track packs, which he kindly provided.  Little did I know the following year we would start collaborating on the Ocean and Lick Pier workbench for RCT2.  That is still a work in progress, 13 years later.  I learned a lot from his kind comments and tweaks to my recreation of Giant Dipper, as well as for his unreleased pack Cyclone @ Wellington, which I will complete for him in due course.  Steve's enthusiasm for art deco architecture, coupled with his keen eye, undoubtedly contributed to his excellent stations and other park buildings, many of which are just gorgeous to look at.


Steve was also a keen amateur astronomer with a strong interest in music, having worked as a piano technician and tuner for most of his life, and had a big side interest in steam trains, particularly those in the United Kingdom.  An always gracious man, I will miss him very much.


Rest in peace, Steve.



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#2 Gymnasiast


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Posted 11 February 2023 - 05:37 PM

This is very sad to hear. Only last year, it seemed he was looking into getting back into RCT.

#3 Sambo


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Posted 25 April 2023 - 01:53 AM

I am at a loss. The senior brain trust of the RCT fandom is shrinking and some of our best and brightest are no longer with us, 
Lifting a glass to Steve - You will be remembered...

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