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Kirby Park?

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#1 RCT2Guy 2000

RCT2Guy 2000

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

Well, I was bored, so I was looking at other people's parks for inspiration to making a park. But I couldn't find anything to inspire me so Im gonna make a park that no one has ever made (well, as far as I know). So yeah, the park I'm making is a Kirby Park! I just love that brave awesome pink puff ball (don't ask me why -_-). But the only thing I need is scenery. If anyone can make some or find some. But I can probably make them in a Object editor if I can. Anyway, it's barely on it's planning and design and I need ideas. So if someone here likes to help me than you're my friend. :)

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