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RCT 2 Park Makers Place

A place to discuss future RCT 2 projects and ideas, to research for new parks and to learn more about park making. With sub-forums for parks under construction or completed.


Loading Zone

  1. LZ: RCT2 Parks,
  2. LZ: WW Parks,
  3. LZ: TT Parks

The parks forum where you can catch up with the latest completed parks ready for download.

  • 73 topics
  • 497 replies
Tower Of Gahbveztashn - last post by AxelP14

Construction Zone

  1. Park Makers' Discussion,
  2. CZ: RCT2 Parks,
  3. CZ: WW Parks,
  4. CZ: TT Parks

The parks forum where you can keep up to date with the latest parks currently under construction by RCT2.com members.

  • 144 topics
  • 3672 replies
Mineral Basin - last post by Todd Lee

Drop Zone

  1. DZ: RCT2 Parks,
  2. DZ: WW Parks,
  3. DZ: TT Parks

The forum where terminated or abandoned parks are stored.

  • 66 topics
  • 1487 replies
Thunderbolt - last post by Nighthawkbalt