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Replaying The Rct1 Scenarios

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#11 COA


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 07:03 PM

I too am currently working through the RCT1 scenarios.I do use the 4cars trainer though, but only after completing the scenarios. You can advance the time so you don't have to wait a year or so to get the "Congratulations" notice. Plus after completing them you can you can crowd the parks with peeps, give them all balloons, and listen to them all POP at the end.


#12 Midnightzr


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Posted 07 February 2016 - 12:55 AM

You would think with 16 years anniversary and the new Roller Tycoon World Due it is great to see renewed interest in the Franchise although alot of the original Ride sites are gone :( I cannot do the new game but i have several xp machines and wiin 7 and 10 machines 14 total including  a tablet android yes been at this awhile since 1982 :) anyhow im looking for Dueling racing coasters The original download bases had more than coasters they had all of the ride types.


also Steam has the whole bundle all 3 games and expansions for 24.95 or add Roller Coaster World into the whole bundle and its 79.95 RTC1 + expansions RTCII +expansions RTC3 +expansions 


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