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RCT 1 Corner

You can find everything RCT1 related here.


RCT Discussion

Anything you want to say or ask about the original RCT game and/or the add-ons?

  • 48 topics
  • 213 replies
How To Change Ingame Fonts? - last post by rcthelp

Utilities and Trainers

Want to comment or need help with trainers or other RCT1 utilities?

  • 11 topics
  • 77 replies
Dueling Coasters For Rtc 1... - last post by rcthelp

Scenario Help

Post questions and answers about winning the scenarios here

  • 12 topics
  • 107 replies
What Do You Think The Harde... - last post by ccol4him

Technical Problems and Issues

A whole forum dedicated to getting original RCT working! Check here if you have RCT1 problems, and ask questions to get help.

  • 14 topics
  • 95 replies
Guests Trapped On Paths - last post by Sambo