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Rct Classic And Open Rct2 Compatibility

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#1 Woodpecker


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 08:45 PM

Hi everyone,


Recently Steve Franks sent me an email asking about RCT Classic and Open RCT2.  I don't have either package currently but here is what he said:


"My hope for RCT Classic would be it to accept all the old scenery, including the expansions and allow me to import my old "finished" tracks. AND I would give my soul to have the woody 15 degree banked track restored. I never recovered from that takeaway. Realistic block brakes would also be a god send.


I like the potential and promise of RCT Open, but what are the downsides of it all? Any I better off just to stand pat?"


Is anyone here able to answer his questions? :)

#2 Gymnasiast


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Posted 07 January 2022 - 03:34 PM

Well, it’s been more than a year, but in case this helps anyone:

  1. RCT Classic is RCT2 with a mobile interface, an RCT1 scenario pack and some minor additional features. Technically, it’s almost indistinguishable from RCT2, which means it should import your old RCT2 parks, objects and track designs without any issue.
  2. Restoring the RCT1 Wooden Roller Coaster with the shallower bank and different colour scheme is planned for OpenRCT2.
  3. I don’t know exactly what is meant by “realistic block brakes”, but allowing the user to change the passing speed (currently fixed at 6 km/h) of block brakes is planned for OpenRCT2.
  4. OpenRCT2 might, on occasion, have bugs that RCT2 does not have. In general though, we aim at staying close to how RCT2 behaved. You can have OpenRCT2 and vanilla RCT2 side by side to compare the two. If you run into any problems, there are forums and a Discord where you can ask questions.

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