Things progressing nicely at TPS. You can go HERE to view a newly released video of a new flat ride with awesome light package. Just one of many more new ride videos to come.
Also look for my upcoming interview with Steve, the head of Pantera and the TPS project. It is currently underway and will be posted both here and at the TPS official website. Posted with the interview will be more new screen shots and pics.
I know the rctspace forums have been kind of dead lately but there have been a lot of views shown in all the TPS topics here but no replies, feel free to reply and disscuss TPS here in these these threads. As a past owner of rctspace and a present fan of this site AND of Sambo and being a Global Mod at the official TPS website, I would be more then happy to disscuss TPS with anyone here at these forums. I check these threads here quite often.
New Ride With Light Package
Started by
, Mar 11 2013 06:37 PM
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