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April/May Research Project

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#1 Walter Krum

Walter Krum

    RCT Research Dept.

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 04:07 PM

Greetings Fellow Members!

Well, after recuperating from our Easter Chocolate Binge, our crack staff is ready to take on another research project for our many clients. This time we have a more difficult project to try to design...a client is adding a themed ride to their Las Vegas Casino. Due to high property prices for their location on the "Strip", they only have a limited footprint on which to place this new ride, and the ride needs to mesh well with their current casino theme. Sound challenging? Well, here's the particular's...

The client is looking for an exciting 'signature' ride to help bring customer to their Casino. You can make the choice of ride-type, keeping in mind that in Vegas, "Over-The-Top" is the norm, but peeps who get sick from the ride don't stick around to play the slot machines, which is bad.

The footprint for this ride takes up a space measuring 30 X 20 tiles. Because of the odd size you may use a bench of up to 40 X 40 to hold this, but your ride MUST be contained within the 30 X 20 area.

Because this is located in a casino, the client has asked that we include in the design a 'game zone' for arcade and/or fair-type games, located with-in the same footprint for the ride.

Client also asks that the following additional shops/services MUST be included within the ride footprint:
  • ATM
  • Restroom
  • Gift Shop
The client's casino has a Western Theme.

This project allows the use of any expansion pack, and also allows the use of Custom Scenery. Please be sure to include custom billboards/music is used in your zip file, as well as noting what custom scernery was used in a Read-Me file.

Proposals for this project are due to me by Monday, May 15, 2006, and can be zipped and sent to walterkrum@gmail.com

Good luck on your projects!

Walter Krum

#2 Walter Krum

Walter Krum

    RCT Research Dept.

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Posted 15 May 2006 - 11:40 PM

Well, I'm sorry to report that no one entered any designs, so our client packed up his chips and headed home. No worries as I'm sure they'll soon again feel the need for our services.

In the meantime, I'm going to hold off posting our next challenge for a few days. We've got a special project lined up in honor of RCTspace's "Triple Threat" Convention that I think you might want to get in on...more details soon!

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