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#1 Commander Cosmos

Commander Cosmos

    RCTSpace Cadets

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Posted 13 March 2006 - 05:17 PM


Greetings Fellow Space Cadets!

It is I...the famous Commander Cosmos, speaking to you through our RCTSpace Antenna... which I am told strangely resembles a aluminum foil wrapped likeness of the hearing apparatus of an Earth creature called a "wabbit"...(weird world you have there troops...) I have temporarily interupted Wagi's afternoon viewing of "Oprah" to bring you up-to-date on our RCT3 Mission Status...

Our all-out battle against our arch-enemy The Evil Emperor Lag and his henchmen Lord Crash and Sir Exceed The Specs continues unabated. Promised weapon's orders from Acme Gaming have failed to materialize. Various partisan's are working tirelessly to bring us new weapons in the fight against terminal frustration, but they do so without any support from Acme nor their partner Bottomtier...we suspect a traitor in our midst.

The Space Cadet Glee Club and Board of Director's has directed me to return to RCTSpace Headquarters to to lead our training efforts. Only by spreading word of fun and entertaining competitions to the masses will we be able to repel the forbidding sense of doom brought on by The Evil Emporer Lag, and as a nifty bonus we will strengthen our Annual Bake Sale reciepts and swell the ranks of Space Cadets!

Clever aren't I?

Well, of course I am! This is a Herculean task I take on willingly, with my usual humbleness and sense of style and grace.

As I used the gavitational pull found in the Rings of Uranus to slingshot my way to RCTSpace Headquarters, I have pondered our next steps. With our RCT1 and RCT2 Divisions performing in heroic fashion in the trenches, I have decided to turn my stunning profile towards getting our RCT3 troops battle ready as well. Therefore I have decided to commander the RCT3 Vacation Parks portfolio, placing Sgt. Wagi as my second in command.

By the way, does anyone know why the Bear's medals look like Oreo cookies stuck to his chest?

As soon as Sgt. Wagi reports to me that ASOP our VP is RTG (FYI...TGIF because I need to use a ATM...), I shall be posting the rules for our New and Improved RCT3 Vacation Park Competition.

Further orders will come whenever I get around to thinking of them.

That is all...Cadets, dis-missed!

#2 **cjman**


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Posted 13 March 2006 - 11:44 PM

woah wagi what an honor!! :D
so many people must envy you! ;)

#3 wabigbear


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Posted 13 March 2006 - 11:50 PM

woah wagi what an honor!! :D
so many people must envy you! ;)

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Of course Commander Cosmos failed to mention that his 'Second in Command' also is responsible for laundering the good Commander's undergarments...and he likes his boxers starched and pressed.

#4 Leonardofury


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Posted 14 March 2006 - 05:50 PM

Be careful with the starch, otherwise the good commander may find certain areas quite sore

Edited by Leonardofury, 14 March 2006 - 05:50 PM.

#5 Emergo


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Posted 14 March 2006 - 07:55 PM

Be careful with the starch, otherwise the good commander may find certain areas quite sore


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