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The Reunion Topic

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#221 dakinle


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Posted 07 March 2008 - 01:04 PM

Very nice Jim. It really was a trip seeing the site up even in archive form - and to see my scenario making article in the Knowledge Base. It's dated 10/9/2001 - 6 1/2 years ago now - wow - just wow.

#222 riven3d


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 02:47 PM

woo hoo, i see some missing scenery. off to download whats there

#223 Christian Benvenuto

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Posted 20 March 2008 - 10:37 PM

Man, I popped in my old RCT 1 disc last night and messed around with some old parks I downloaded in 2000-02.

It's great to see all of you again, even though my days then were painful. Man, I do not want anyone to bring those up again *shivers*
But like Sambo said earlier, it's beginning to feel alot more like a reunion now without a doubt!

Just popping in.


#224 Sambo


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Posted 21 March 2008 - 01:28 AM

Thanks for stoppin' by Chris.

#225 Upperlevel the great

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Posted 26 March 2008 - 03:43 AM

I dont think anyone remembers me, because i didn't do much ( i don't remember my old screen name), but i just got back into rct waaaayyy back in '04 and fell back out of love with it again until '06 an I've been getting my skills back up again. now I've decided to become a much more active member of rctspace than in the past.

#226 VooDew5


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Posted 28 March 2008 - 05:24 PM

I dont think anyone remembers me, because i didn't do much ( i don't remember my old screen name), but i just got back into rct waaaayyy back in '04 and fell back out of love with it again until '06 an I've been getting my skills back up again. now I've decided to become a much more active member of rctspace than in the past.

That's how it is for me as well, I got RCT3 the day it came out, but I only had a few weeks to fool around with it before I had to hit the road...When things finally slowed down for me in the past month or so, I went on the search for the expansion packs and had to settle for "Platinum", and I'm still learning all the differences and getting used to them..
I'm starting the scenerios now and it's pretty fun since I haven't worked on an actual scenerio in 5 years at least....I've got some ugly sandbox parks but I plan to attempt a nice sandbox park after I complete a few more scenarios...

One thing that I think is unique, besides the factor of "Splash" and "Wild" and what they bring to the game, is that with all the different non-coaster rides, you're able to build everything from a simple "State Fair" type of park, or a monster "Theme park"...(In short, there's several rides that you won't see at a place like King's Island in Cincy, but some of the "old school" rides like the scrambler and swings giant slide, etc., allows you to build a "Carnival-like" park, utilizing the wild west shows and similar rides...
Now that I've had the chance to see everything and learned how it all works, the game does have quite abit of depth than I first thought....

Also, I want to Thank everyone that's helped me out with my stupid questions over the past month...It's good to see that the RCT community don't flame people that had gotten away from the game and had probably done answered my question 200 times since the expansions came out and I was on the road playin' guitar....(I'm member #14, so I have been around a long time, I just didn't have the time to play when all the new expansions came out)
Thanks Again!!


Edited by VooDew5, 28 March 2008 - 05:28 PM.

#227 Tribble



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Posted 01 April 2008 - 02:33 AM

:devil: I'm Baaaaack.

#228 Trainman 2000

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Posted 01 April 2008 - 11:27 PM

Greetings Tribble.

#229 k00lboi1


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Posted 11 April 2008 - 02:22 AM

Im pretty new here because when i first signed up i never talked lol because my comp was crappy but now its awesome so i can use the forums
I feel sad the forums are losing members and im trying to make people join so yeah

#230 postit


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Posted 16 April 2008 - 01:21 AM

What a fantastic read this just was.

I know I am not an "old-timer" necessarily, in terms of being in the community, but I've been with the franchise ever since the Forest Frontiers tutorial came out. Growing up with the game, and more recently, the community, has been definitive to my being and happiness. So many great memories.

I am not gone...hopefully...still playing from time to time.

Edit: last post: 21st of August, 2006... :(

Edited by postit, 16 April 2008 - 01:24 AM.

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