I got a few questions.
Can I send in a park that I did in the Sandbox Mode?
When I send in the park do I need to send screens of the park?
Greeting Earthling!
You ARE an earthling aren't you? I shouldn't presume, there's so many Jupitorian's and Epsilon A144'ers with guest worker permits anymore...just because you only have one head and no tail doesn't automaticly make you an earthling.
You don't have more than one head do you?
How about a tail?
Just checking! One needs to be politically correct in my line of work!
Anyways, back to the question at hand. Yes, you can certainly submit a park you built in sandbox mode. If the judges have any problems they can try opening it in the scenario editor instead. If that don't do the trick we'll send you a long nasty e-mail demanding that you fix it within 48 hours or we'll turn it over for collection and it will appear on YOUR PERMANENT RECORD (I think I've heard that somewhere before...that Evil Miss Kumsnook, my third grade teacher springs to mind).
As for sending screenshots...why that's a marvelous idea! I think I'll add it to the Official Rules right now! We'll require FIVE (5) screenshots to be included when submitting the entry.
That will save me from having to pawn the job of making screenshots off on Sambo or one of the Bear's (although Wagi always seems to pawn it off on someone else...).
It would certainly make MY life easier, and well, isn't that what's important here anyways?