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R.i.p Roller Coaster Tycoon

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#91 RCTtom



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Posted 01 September 2012 - 10:50 PM

I know this is an old topic, but I'd like to share my two cents on the subject.

Looking at the height of the RCT franchise back in the mid 2000s when I was an active member here, I would like to remind you all how hard it was to play RCT3 without any lag. Even with a gaming PC in today's era of games, RCT3 still can't handle night time or parks with too much detail on screen. I'm not sure why, but maybe because the game has a processor limitation and not the video card? Either way, RCT1 and RCT2 were big hits because people could make parks without too much of a demanding machine. Even a high-end computer could not play RCT3 without lag because of the engine's limitation. With my hopes back up that there will be an RCT4 or RCT4 equivalent from Frontier, they know now after seeing modern games like Dead Rising 2 on the PC with hundreds of fairly detailed Zombies on screen, it is possible to display thousands of peeps onscreen at once. That is the way they should do it in my opinion.

I think RCT3 was not as bad as people make out to be. It obviously targeted casual players more than hardcore, and not everything was there for the purists or hardcore players of the game. We've seen what custom content can do to enhance both the game and the park qualities made in RCT3. RCT3 was basically a test on how RCT3 should play in 3D, and for a first go the base of the setup was there, just a bit buggy and missing in detail. Some saw that the obsolete grid system should go, but you do realized that if that happened, then all the custom content from RCT3 would not be transferable to a new game. Besides, the grid system works, it just needs to be more advanced and precise with detail, such as smaller boxes and angle changes for rides.

If the next RCT game or spiritual successor was to come, then we could easily see a game better than RCT3, but be aware that sometimes if the game is too much of a simulator, it may lower potential sales due to decrease of usability for newcomers. Atari/Frontier would make a mistake in making the game difficult to play, so it could backfire potentially. Not to mention I have actually seen people who want the series to go back to 2D isometric on the Atari forums. To be honest, I can't see that being a wise decision. A new RCT(like) simulator could work, it's just not going to have everything we need and some compromises will need to be made. I'd say RCT is not dead, but needs something better than RCT3 to re-peak people's interests such as myself again. Sure, we like to go back to the good old days of RCT1 and RCT2, but we'd also like to see what the future could offer us too.

#92 CoolGuy88


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 01:37 PM

I hoping that they make the RCT almost like real-life. They had the right idea with RCT 3, but the graphic looked bad. It looked like a 5 year old did the graphics. I hope that after 3DS, they go back to what was popular.

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