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  • Submitted: Jan 15 2007 05:16 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 15 2007 05:16 AM
  • File Size: 179.75KB
  • Views: 7106
  • Downloads: 407

Download Monorail

* * * * - 6 Votes (You voted 2)

This is a recording of a man announcing to Monorail riders to:

"Please stay clear of the Doors"
"No smoking please."
"Please hold on to the hand rails."

While it is not the best sound quality (What PA announcement ever is?),
it is very convincing and works very well for the purposes of the game.
Especially if you have a coaster, tower, or monorail close to your carousel.

  • Copy the new Css10.dat to the Rollercoaster Tycoon\Data folder on your hard drive.
  • It will overwrite the original file which is EMPTY.
  • To restore the original file, copy the Css10.dat file directly from the game CD disk to the same folder on the hard drive.
NOTE: You MUST first have performed a FULL install of the game so that all dat
files are on the hard drive.

**** I have never incurred any crashes with this replacement file. ****

Since the music selection is random, you will hear this announcement over
your Carousel's Public Announcement System approximately every 15 to 30
minutes. Of course, you must be within hearing distance of your carousel at
the time.

The download contains the dat files and these instructions in a single zip file.

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