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Getting Info From A Scenario

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#1 charliep


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 02:28 PM

I recently downloaded some scenarios created by other folks to get some ideas, however while most were saved games which inserted the required dats into my objdata file I have 2 which are just the scenario file. One of them loaded ok but the other asks for a file (I believe it is a ride) that I don't have and can't find in my old objdata files. Is there any way to see what files are in the scenario, because I obviously can't save the game. The file I am looking for is HPRDKnig. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks

#2 Doctor J

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Posted 26 August 2015 - 12:01 AM

You can get the file from NewElement and there is a picture of the ride and its cousins here.

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#3 charliep


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Posted 27 August 2015 - 03:54 AM



Now I have another question. I downloaded several scenarios made by others and I would like to use just the landscape they have created but not the rest of the rides and scenery. The problem is I can load and run the scenario fine, but when I try and use the scenario editor I get the "Execption error".

Am I doing something wrong or is not possible to do what I am trying to do. I also get the same error if I try and use the saved game to creat a new scenario. All of the saved games are of the SV6 type, I had no problem with the SV4 game I downloaded.

#4 Sambo


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Posted 27 August 2015 - 04:51 PM

SV4 is for RCT1, SV6 is for RCT2 - so I'm not understanding why the SV4 worked.

However, the Exception error is usually caused by a piece of scenery problem. Does this use a ride from Amazing Earl? If so - those need to be downloaded manually.

Sometimes - on rare occasion - the Exception error will go away when the game is closed, re -opened and the scenario is opened and re-read a second time. I hope this is the case for you.

#5 charliep


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Posted 28 August 2015 - 02:39 AM

I have figured out what is causing the error, I don't know how to correct it.

There is a hacked ride (actually the same hack 4 times next to each other). It is a vertical drop coaster with 1 piece of track underground with the entrance on one side and the exit on the other. If you try and delete the ride - error. If you try and open the construct tab - error. I looked at it using 8cars, says vertical rc - downward launch mode - train type is garbage symbols, numbers and letters (all options are the same junk). I tried to change the ride using Park Dat, no matter what I change it to the ride still shows it as a vertical drop.


I thought about just leaving this buried so I added some scenery and re-saved the saved game - ok. But try and use the saved game converter - error, and I still can't open it with landscape editor.


If you like I could try and include a copy of the file.


I also seem what look like phantom images after I delete an object, how do I correct this.


Sorry to be such a pain, but I am trying to learn.

Edited by charliep, 28 August 2015 - 03:45 AM.

#6 Sambo


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Posted 28 August 2015 - 05:31 PM

In your Tracks folder, do these four damaged rides show up?

#7 charliep


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Posted 28 August 2015 - 07:32 PM

No, and I don't think I can put them there. The are closed and the save ride tab is waiting for test results.

#8 Sambo


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Posted 28 August 2015 - 08:21 PM

This is one of the difficult situations with ride tab issues as well as phantom images. I am pinning this and posting link so it will be noticed by others.

I am not sure what to do beyond this point, but maybe rcthelp or Doctor J will see it and can provide more technical insight in what to do to save this damaged park.

Do post more discoveries you have as those might trigger a memory of something that someone else has experienced.

#9 charliep


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Posted 28 August 2015 - 08:38 PM

Here is a list of games I downloaded, which ones I was able to open via the scenario editor and which ones I couldn't.


All those on the could list were SV4: Ancient Pastimes II, Echos of the Past, Foreign Legacies and Wasted Years.


These always created the error msg and are all SV6: Tula City, Seneca Beach, Port Azure, Rivers of Babylon, Red River Delta and Taboo.


These were all downloaded from nedesigns.com/parks.


I tried something different, I started with a virgin objdata file (2122 items), loaded the saved game, game came up fine.

Tried to load landscape from saved file - error.


I have downloaded several games from this (RCTSpace) website with NO problems.

Edited by charliep, 28 August 2015 - 09:01 PM.

#10 charliep


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Posted 29 August 2015 - 04:42 AM

Sambo, check this out.


I decided to do a little testing. I started with a virgin objdata file, went to nedesigns site and downloaded Mythologix.

It placed a lot of files in the obj folder and the game opened.

Next I tried to open the saved game in the scenario editor - error. Tried to convert same file to a game - error


Opened RCTSpace's site and downloaded the same game Mythologix in another virgin objdata file.

It loaded the files and the game opened.

Next opened the saved game file in the Scenario editor - NO PROBLEM

Used the convert to game selection - NO PROBLEM


This seems to tell me that somehow the downloads comming from nedesigns are different.


The number of dats added using RCT download was an additional 351 dats, from nedesigns was an additional 319 dats


Soooo, I tried something else, I left the objdata file from the download from RCTSpace as the current file and selected the saved game file from nedesigns and it loaded almost twice as many files on top of what was already there.


I noticed someone else was having problems with scenarios downloaded from nedesigns, so I guess I am not alone.


For ****s and giggles I downloaded 6 more RCT1 SV4 scenarios from nedesigns and everyone of them allowed me to use the scenario editor on them. I then downloaded 6 SV6 scenarios and they ALL failed.

Edited by charliep, 29 August 2015 - 04:48 AM.

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