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What Happened To The Forums?

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#1 Woodpecker


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 12:26 PM

Hi, a few days ago instead of the nice forum front page it told me that there was no site registered at this address. The next morning I tried to find the site using IE at work (I use firefox) and then it worked, but when I got back onto firefox at home, it was still broken. A couple of days later it was broken on IE as well. Now it's fixed. :thumbs: What went wrong with the site?

#2 Sambo


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 05:26 PM

Moved to a new server quite unexpectedly. It took less than half a day, but it appeared longer because of a now bad cookie. It required a refresh to update it. Which explains why it worked at work and then not at home. A simple refresh would have brought the site back to your screen.

I experienced this when my desktop still showed the no site message, yet my laptop was connected to the forums just fine...
Another member emailed me asking the same question while the work was in progress, and then right after completion to say that they had to refresh to get it back. Who knew?

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