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Looking For: A Specific Circus Theme Dark Ride Video

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#1 Retrog33k


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 07:54 AM

There was a video I saw a number of years ago of a custom ride someone made in RCT3: It was a scary ride about a cannibal clown, a circus themed ride. You ride through the front of the circus, enter a freakshow tent, go to a endless hallway, smash through a mirror and enter a hall of mirrors, go through a lion tamer section, get shot out of cannon, land on a net.. at the end the clown shortens his arms to pull your car in, and at the last second, the video screams at you as you get eaten. I'm trying to find the ride again.... I think it was something called phantsmagaoria or something, but if anybody could give me a link to this ride, or a rapidshare link or something along those lines would be greatly appreciated.

PS: Sorry if this is the wrong section- I don't know where to post this.

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