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Curse You, Volcania! -shakes Fist-

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#1 CleoSombra


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Posted 11 June 2008 - 10:37 PM

Right. So in the Volcania scenario, you have to finish the 5 existing roller coasters with an excitement rating of 6.7

On all my roller coasters, I've got it on the first try (much to my surprise.) But the roller coaster at the top (I can't remember what it's called. The one with helixes/curves and swings back and forth. xD) I can't, for the life of me, git-er-done. I spend about two hours straight on that roller coaster alone. My peeps are whining how the paths are disgusting. The rides are getting old and no one is going on them. People are leaving. AND I'M STILL WORKING THIS STUPID THING!

Do you have any tips to get the last one done? Apart from "Provide lots of turns." Yes, I kinda get that. BUT ALAS.
Better yet, anyone have a picture of their completed one? :saint:

#2 JV7


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Posted 11 June 2008 - 10:58 PM

It's been a long time since I played this scenario. It seems that I did a lot of tunneling on that coaster.

Hope this is of some use.

#3 rcthelp


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Posted 12 June 2008 - 11:55 AM

Problem is, our ride might not fit in with your park, because you may already have track pieces for other rides, where our rides need to go.

For a complete set of rides for Volcania, try the Volcania link on this page http://personal.atl....lking/coasters/

Note though that you need the Drexler patch installed to load the saved game file.

#4 CleoSombra


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Posted 12 June 2008 - 08:20 PM

Problem is, our ride might not fit in with your park, because you may already have track pieces for other rides, where our rides need to go.

For a complete set of rides for Volcania, try the Volcania link on this page http://personal.atl....lking/coasters/

Note though that you need the Drexler patch installed to load the saved game file.

Thanks, but unfortunately, I have the Deluxe version of RCT1.

While the coaster may or may not fit within my own game, but I could copy the design from pictures and edit around areas that don't fit.

And thanks, JV7. I added a few extra dips and spins underground, but it only raised the excitement rating by .12-.17 (depending on the length of train and type.)
xD So far I've recreated the roller coaster (entirely, excluding deleting sections) about four times.

#5 rcthelp


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Posted 12 June 2008 - 11:06 PM

OK well I'm fairly sure you can load these into an unpatched RCT. http://www.crazyusco...com/llsaved.htm

Don't know about these though http://www.gamebeaco...ads/rct/rc.html

#6 rcthelp


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Posted 13 June 2008 - 12:07 AM

I dragged through my archives and found the ride I made to win this scenario. I just put it in the RCT1 Ridex as 'Volcania Suspended'. Enjoy!

Here's the building instructions. Add 5 to all the heights!

[codebox]Filename: Volcania Suspended.TD4
Ride Type: Suspended Roller Coaster
Vehicle Type: Suspended swinging airplane cars (2 6-car trains)
Operating Mode: Continuous Circuit Mode

1 Begin station (25)
2-8 7 Middle station (25)
9 End station (25)
10 Level to down (25 to 24)
11 Down to down steep (24 to 22)
12 Down steep to down (22 to 20)
13 Down to level (20)
14-16 3 Left curve [R3] (20)
17 Level to down (20 to 19)
18 Down (19 to 18)
19 Down to level (18)
>>>START Building Here
20 Level to up (18 to 19)
21 Up (19 to 20)
22 Up to level (20)
23-24 2 Level (20)
25 Level to down (20 to 19)
26 Down to down steep (19 to 17)
27-28 2 Down steep (17 to 9)
29 Down steep to down (9 to 7)
30 Down to level (7)
31 Level to up (7 to 8)
32 Up (8 to 9)
33 Up to level (9)
34-36 3 Left curve [R3] (9)
37 Level to up (9 to 10)
38 Up to level (10)
39 Level (10)
40 Left curve [R3] (10)
41 Level to down (10 to 9)
42 Down (9 to 8)
43 Down to level (8)
44 Level (8)
45-46 2 Left curve [R4], ortho to ortho (8)
47-48 2 Helix down left [R3] (8 to 6)
49-50 2 Level (6)
51 Level to down (6 to 5)
52 Down to level (5)
53 Level to up (5 to 6)
54 Up (6 to 7)
55 Up to level (7)
56 Level (7)
57-59 3 Helix up left [R3] (7 to 10)
60-62 3 Level (10)
63 Left curve [R3] (10)
64-65 2 Level (10)
66-67 2 Right curve [R3] (10)
68 Level to down (10 to 9)
69 Down to level (9)
70-71 2 Helix down left [R3] (9 to 7)
72 Level to up (7 to 8)
73-75 3 Up (8 to 11)
76 Up to level (11)
77 Level to down (11 to 10)
78 Down to down steep (10 to 8)
79 Down steep (8 to 4)
80 Down steep to down (4 to 2)
81 Down (2 to 1)
82 Down to level (1)
83 Level (1)
84-85 2 Right curve [R4], ortho to ortho (1)
86 Level to up (1 to 2)
87-89 3 Up (2 to 5)
90 Up to level (5)
91 Level (5)
92-95 4 Helix up right [R3] (5 to 9)
96 Level (9)
97 Level to down (9 to 8)
98 Down to down steep (8 to 6)
99 Down steep to down (6 to 4)
100-102 3 Down (4 to 1)
103 Down to level (1)
104 Right curve [R4], ortho to diag (1)
105 Level to up [diag] (1 to 2)
106 Up to up steep [diag] (2 to 4)
107 Up steep [diag] (4 to 8)
108 Up steep to up [diag] (8 to 10)
109 Up to level [diag] (10)
110 Right curve [R4], diag to ortho (10)
111 Right curve [R3] (10)
112-113 2 Level (10)
114 Level to up [chain lift] (10 to 11)
>>>END Building after 4 or 5 of these
115-128 14 Up [chain lift] (11 to 25)
129 Up to level [chain lift] (25)
130 Left curve [R2] (25)

Picture with landscape included:

Attached File  Vol4withscen.png   51.76KB   38 downloads

Picture with landscape removed

Attached File  Vol4withoutscen.png   54.22KB   41 downloads

It's possible to build this from day 1 of the scenario, without borrowing any more money.

Hope that helps. :)

#7 CleoSombra


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Posted 13 June 2008 - 03:48 AM

It's possible to build this from day 1 of the scenario, without borrowing any more money.

Hope that helps. :)

Oh, this has helped tremendously. I became really frustrated. I had gotten up to a 6.5 rating, edited a bit, and it dropped. >.x Then I check this thread, delete my track, start it over, and voila.

It fit into my scenario almost perfectly.

Thanks. ^^

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