Yes, it is I, Commander Cosmos coming to you through the vast reaches of space to send you warm greetings and thank you personally for sending me your...
(circle one: fan letter, request for autograph, charitable donation, question about RCT3D-VP, phone number, underwear).
I am most grateful. You can rest assured that I shall...
(circle one: send you an autographed photo, make sure your donation reaches the Commander Cosmos Vacation Fund, answer your query, call you collect, treasure them always).
Specific Notations:
It is with great pleasure (and my usual dash of modesty...) that I am able to announce that we at RCTspace have named our newest inductee into the Vacation Parks - 3D Hall of Fame.
And the winner is....(Insert Park Name)
By Sambo
I'd like to thank our panel of judges - riven3d, coastercrazy and wabigbear.
***NOTE: We had been preparing a walk-through of the park, but due to Intersteller Interference of the Third Kind, we never got around to finishing it. So, rather than having everyone sit around twiddling their thumbs (for those of you who have thumbs), I've decided that everyone should be able to download and enjoy this park anyways (trust me - this park a much nicer place for thumb twiddling I can assure you).
This is a RCT3 park which requires both expansion packs, In addition it requires the following Custom Scenery sets:
DRP Ambience
Eletigna Lamp 2
PhiWie's Greece
Greece 2 by PhiWie
JCat's SpaceWorx
madshells Xpcot SSE
xss277x's Tunnel
The downloads are as follows...
The Park File & The Music Files
I wish to thank you again (fill in same name here), and you can rest assured that I shall be taking time out of my very busy schedule saving the galaxy to give your correspondence the attention it deserves.
I'll also take this moment to send you a warm (circle one:)
- Happy (country) New Year,
- Happy (circle one: Birth, Brood, Hatching, Spawning, Cloning) Day
- Generic Warm Fuzzies
Most Sincerely,
Your Hero,
Commander Cosmos