The concept is a simple Ladder Tournament and it works as follows:
This RCT1, RCT2, and RCT3 contest will run throughout the year in all the months there are not Road Rallies...excluding December since we have the Happy Holidays, so it runs February, April, June, August, and October. Whomever wants to enter can sign up to get on the ladder at any time during these months, but you will be slotted at the bottom. We can accomodate as many that want to play and as few as two people, AND anyone can enter all year long, you don't have to enter in February.
Signups begin today for February and will continue for one week. On January 14, a challenge forum topic will show up and the challenges will begin...first come, first serve. The actual contest will begin January 17 for February, or later if the two agree to that. However, entries are due February 28.
I will order the contestants before we begin...put them on the ladder with the most skilled parkmakers on top....(that will be posted in the challenge topic) then, what happens is people challenge anyone they want that are within three rungs above them with whatever they want, for example: build a 50x50 mini, build an unthemed wooden coaster, build a themed water ride, build a structure, even build something in RCT1 or limits here! If you don't want to challenge anyone, that's fine, but you will most likely move down the ladder if you don't.
The challenge has to be accepted. If you get challenged, and you don't make an will forfeit and lose, thus moving down the ladder. Once all the February contests are finished and results are in, everyone is slotted on the ladder again based on their win/loss record and seeding will be secondary to that.
The deadline for the entries will be February 28 and the entries must be emailed on that day, midnight EST to I will then set up a poll with the entries for each individual challenge. All forum members, even tournament non-participants can judge in the polls. The poll will be up for 10 days. The winner will move up the ladder, the loser will move down the ladder.
In mid-March the process will begin again, but with the ladder we ended with from February and I'll announce signups for anyone new who was not involved in this February contest,who wants to sign up for April. I'll also have a new challenge topic and new deadlines.
Here is also an explanation I saw on a website (non-RCT related):
During a standard ladder tournament, the players are initially arranged in seeded order, with the "best" player at the top of the ladder. Games are then played between adjacent players with the winner taking the higher spot on the ladder. As players win they move towards the top of the ladder. Ideally, at the end of the tournament, the players should be in order of ability. In the example below, a game might be played between Bill and Jane. If Bill wins, he is awarded the seventh spot and Jane will be moved down to eight. Play continues until time is up or another limit has been reached.
A major benefit of a ladder tournament is that it allows for players to join the tournament after it has begun. Adding a player to the bottom of the ladder does not affect the results of the games already played and allows the new player to work his way up the ladder.
A ladder tournament is ideal for individual events where many games can be held at the same time. Many times, a ladder tournament is treated as a "King-of-the-Hill" event, where the player at the top of the ladder is rewarded for the number of games he can defend his position at the top of the ladder.
One variation of the ladder tournament is to allow a player to challenge any one of the three players above him. This allows for players at the bottom to move up the ladder faster, and provides the players with more control over the opponents they face.
Some clarifications:
You can challenge ANYONE that is within three rungs above you...however, remember that you do not switch places with who you challenged, rather, this tournament is based on your win/loss record overall. The goal is to be at the top of the ladder at the end of the year and you will do that by winning your challenges. The challenges are first come, first serve. Don't wait too long to post your challenge or you may be left out altogether. I will open the challenge forum topic on a certain day that I have announced, and the challenges will begin. Using example above, Bill posts that he challenges Jack and wants to challenge him with building a themed wooden coaster. Jack must accept the challenge.
I know there will be lots of questions but it only 'sounds' complicated, its actually very simple. There will be some awards to win at year-end and I'm still working on the award system.
This contest allows YOU the member to be creative with your contest ideas...YOU basically can think up your own contest and then participate in them!
When you sign up, you must state what versions of the RCT series you can participate in, RCT1, 2, 3 so that everyone knows what kind of contest they can challenge you with.
So please, ask your questions...AND/OR Sign up for the new CLIMB THE LADDER!
FK+Coastermind - RCT2, RCT3
coastercrazy - RCT1, RCT2
Gwazi - RCT1, RCT2
lucas92 - RCT1, RCT2, RCT3
g-ride - RCT1
Cryptox - RCT2
K0ng - RCT2
nicb5 - RCT1, RCT2, RCT3
Top Gun - RCT1, RCT2, RCT3
howie27 - RCT2, RCT3
rwadams - RCT2
Breakaway - RCT2
Sonicoaster - RCT2, RCT3
Toadmaster356 - RCT2, RCT3
trav - RCT2
dr dirt - RCT1, RCT2