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Calling All Patriotic Space Cadets...

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#1 Commander Cosmos

Commander Cosmos

    RCTSpace Cadets

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  • Location:RCTSpace
  • Interests:Spokesperson for RCTSpace Cadets<br />Universal Defender of Theme Parks<br />
  • RCTspace Honours:Champion Defender of Theme Parks

Posted 20 March 2006 - 05:27 PM

Greetings Fellow Space Cadets!

While my return home to Earth has been slighly delayed due to a flat...(no, really), I still wanted to share a special announcement with you all even if we couldn't be together breathing the same air, exchanging the same germs, smelling the same onion dip...


That's right Cadets! We are now accepting parks to be considered for our Universally Known (well, except over in the Gamma Quadrant...they are like, sooooo behind the times...) RCT3 Vacation Park of the Month!

You can find a full listing of VP3D RULES, INFORMATION and even PRIZES just by clicking on those capitalized words I just typed...isn't science just grand?

My, but isn't this just hyper-fantasical?

I haven't been this excited since I found out that the planet Procto really was colonized by Proctologists! (Reminder to self not to shake hands there...).

I'm sure you Cadets, being the inquisitive creatures you are, are going to have just tons of questions you want answered. Unfortunately I have a facial scheduled this week so I'll be leaving that to my well-known Second-in-Command....ahhhhh, what's his name?

Oh yeah, I remember, the smelly bear with mustard stains on his chin...Wagi.

Carry on troops!

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