We are glad you have joined our forums to discuss all about the great game, RollerCoaster Tycoon 2!
Thanks for signing up, but no need to post a new topic that you're here, because one is already made up for you. Right here! So go ahead, and say your hellos!
Post that you're new, and if you have any questions about the site or the forums, just feel free to ask. Remember to post in the right forums, also!

Edit by rcthelp: The staff have decided to prune this topic every month, so that there are no posts older than 3 months. After 3 months, you are no longer 'new' here anymore.

If you posted personal stuff about yourself, and you want people to be able to look it up, remember that you have the chance to do this in your personal profile.end edit
Edited by rcthelp, 25 April 2005 - 08:53 AM.