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Six Frags' Tips 'n Tricks

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#1 Six Frags

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:15 PM

RCT3 Tutorials v2.0

I will be sharing my knowledge of rct3 using the creation of Disneyland Resort Paris.

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I always wanted to kind of recreate this park, so on one hand this will be a way to create some new tutorials for rct3 and on the other hand it's kind of an advertisement for this new park..

What will be in the tutorials;

- Getting started
- Working out your ideas for a park
- Starting your park (Scenario Editor)
- Custom scenery/rides
- Pathing
- Landscaping/terraforming
- Foliage
- Architecture
- Dark-Rides
- Coasters
- FlatRides
- Theming
- Shops/services
- Final touch-ups of your park
- Misc. Tips (Fireworks/polls/zoo's etc.)

This will be the index post with links to the tutorials in the topic.


Edited by Six Frags, 19 September 2010 - 05:02 PM.

#2 Six Frags

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:23 PM

1) Working out your ideas for a park

When I have an idea of a park I want to build I usually just make simple hand-drawings of how the park will be organized;
-Entrance area
-What rides in what section

I can advise (if you don't know too much about the theme of your park) to just use Google and search for some websites that contain handy information...

I usually make an overview drawing, and a section drawing... It would fit on a4 format...

It’s important for yourself (if you want to actually complete a park ;) ) to know what you have to do and how…
It keeps it organized for me anyways, but I’m sure there are people that don’t do these kind of things when they start a park…


Edited by Six Frags, 20 August 2010 - 05:36 AM.

#3 uncle_adolph


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Posted 08 December 2004 - 02:25 PM

Excellent! I'm glad i'm not the only one who plans his park!!


#4 Six Frags

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 06:28 PM

Check out my posts... I've edited them because I decided to build a park especially for these tutorials... Makes it a bit easier for me, and you.. and it's more fun...
Thanks for the reply uncle a., nice to hear you're a planner too!


#5 mrICE


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Posted 08 December 2004 - 07:34 PM

I usually draw the park or use real-life park maps as inspiration source, but I have yet to finish more then the entrace to a RCT3 park :).. But it lags so I'm waiting for some money to upgrade to a better graphics card.

#6 FunkMaestro



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Posted 08 December 2004 - 07:40 PM

Hmm.. look how this have suddenly turned into a hidden ad for his new Lucky Luke project!!

#7 Sambo


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 04:00 AM

Great idea SF.

#8 Six Frags

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 02:50 PM

2) Starting your park

Ok, when you have all your ideas thought out, and what rides you want to have in every part of the park, it's time to start up RCT3 and make your own workbench.

First we need to enter the scenario editor via the 'Tools' menu;

Posted Image

When in the editor, we have to adjust the park size to the size we want and think is best for the park.. You can do this to click on map settings in the Park Operations menu;

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Just click on the + on each side, until it's the desired size, 130x130 in this case..
Next, you don't have to forget to own the adjusted land so we can actually build on it. You can do this to click on the own all land button in the park operations-land management and status menu;

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Next you have to select the land;

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Now you have all the land you want, you only have to set some final things...
You can choose to adjust the guest settings so that they won't complain that much etc.;

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Or to have free rides in your park (what most real-life parks have) in the finance menu;

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And to not have a fence around your park (which I think is more attractive) or another background setting;

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And you also have to set the Park name, entrance fee, closing and opening time (I chose from 9.00-0.00 as this is the most reasonable), and it's better to close the park while under construction, all in the land management and status menu;

Posted Image

After all these things are set, we can safely start constructing the park in the editor. We start off with an overview look, so we can divide the park into the sections we already have thought out (see tutorial 1). We use the freelook cam, so select Game Options-Camera Settings, and set the control mode on Freelook (note that when you're building it's handier to use the Normal camera mode, and when taking screens/videos, or for an overview look you could better use the Freelook camera);

Posted Image

Now just play around a bit with it to get the desired view, right above the park.
Now I suggest using the land colors menu to divide the sections. I have selected clear colors to border the different sections;

Posted Image

Those are the sections, but it's also a bit handier to already mark where your rides will be, or at least the stations in this case, and the paths (just compare this with the overview drawing I made.. These are quick things that could help you a lot to speed up the progress on your park);

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Now it's time to start the pathing on the entrance area... Put the camera mode back to Normal.
First we start pathing for the guest injection point (the point where guests will enter the map).. When you're done with the pathing you need to click the entrances in the scenery menu, and next the injection arrow;

Posted Image

Edited by Six Frags, 09 December 2004 - 03:05 PM.

#9 Six Frags

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 02:50 PM

Now put the injection points on the paths, where you want the guests to enter;

Posted Image

Now from the entrance menu, select an entrance you want.. Because LLTH is themed to the Wild West, we choose the Western entrance (also notice I deselected the other themes, this is VERY important in future construction menus also.. It's basically the same as the tabs in rct2-rct1);

Posted Image

And we place the entrances on the map, at the point where our actual entrance will be;

Posted Image

Now we can save the scenario, to start the actual construction of the park, in a mode where are no annoying buttons in the way ;)
Just select to save it as a 'Start new scenarios' file;

Posted Image

Now go back (the 'door' icon) to the game menu, and select 'Play-Custom scenarios-Load Game' and load your just saved game;

Posted Image

Now we're ready to Rock 'n Roll!


Edited by Six Frags, 09 December 2004 - 03:01 PM.

#10 Linky


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 03:21 PM

This is very impressive and a great contribution to the site. This almost inspires me to do an in-depth tutorial for the advanced fireworks creator. Got to make a note to do that closer to christmas.

When planning parks (or maps for FPS/strategy games), I usually first make a certain looking landscape without thinking much, then start planning the park from there, as many parks in real life have pre-determined landscapes, not being built ground up from a flat area. Makes it more challenging and interesting for me.

I actually have a stack of Post-It notes on my desk which I constantly use to draw plans for smaller parts of the map, ie how to best fit bigger systems of themeing/a coaster into a certain area, but don't have any overview of the total plan other than the themed areas in my head.

This tutorial is really great, it's interesting to see what's next. :)

Edited by Linky, 09 December 2004 - 03:34 PM.

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